Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In God We Trust

I don't want to get into a big long blog about this topic but anyone watch the inauguration ? Come on now !


  1. i didn't watch it...what happened? email me at gothic lolita addy, k?

    oh & you know you got an award from me right? READ: Honest Scrap post. oh & btw: i need directions to your house...email me those too.

    is friday (sometime around 12-1pm) a good day to come over? lemme know thru email girlie!

  2. btw: my other blogger (GLL) name has changed as well as the addy. didn't know if you needed to change it cuz i still see GLL coming up on your page...though you are still one of my followers. just a lil' FYI!
    hope you have a good day missy. xox!!!

