Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some Fork's 4 ya

I was asked why I didn't put any artwork up so here are my forks enjoy :)


  1. super nice! thanks for posting!

    do you use any heat in manipulating your materials, of just brute strength?

    i use tableware in my pieces sometimes and just use muscle. it can be exhausting!

    i hope you will post more in the future!

  2. Finally! :) You should put your stuff on that also...Diane and I both have accounts there. Be cool like us...j/k.

    I love all your work, as you know but I am gonna STEAL that (2nd from last pic) copper-looking one...I LOVE that one. I wanted you to make me one like that for my b-day but I still love your gift.

    Still...I want some sweet forkism...sometime.

    Yay, keep posting stuff! Oh & it's Eve Noir, again...;}...well, Havoc is for band, Noir is for art. I'm thinking...

