Sunday, February 22, 2009

ok 10 min till oscars let's see how many i get right

Best Picture~slumdog
actor~sean penn
Support actor~ledger
support actress ~cruz
orig screen play~ In bruges
adapted screen~ frost /nix
cinematog~ben button
costume~ben button
Sound mix~batman
sound editing~iron man
make up~ben button
art direct~batman
visual effect~ben button


  1. Guess what? Everything was horrible. Think it was the worst Oscars ever...just made me feel sick to my stomach, besides Heath's win of course. & I only watched a lil' but in that lil' amount of time, I realized "I know whats gonna win, why watch?" Crap, crap & more crap won.
    Dark Knight, best film of the year...gets nothing. (This was even said in the beginning, did you catch that?)
    Night Night~

  2. No but if you would have watched when they did the in memory of bit with all the dead actors they totally left out heath ledger !!!! WTF!!!

  3. oh wait they did it last year at the oscars .. my bad.

  4. Yeah, just gonna say that. Hm, I didn't see the Wrestler but it won a lot at the Spirit Awards. it really that bad!?? I mean I do want to see that film where I could care less if I see anything else (slumdog, mr. buttons, milk) at this point. Whatever the "Academy says" I think is backwards. So Slumdog must SUCK & Dark Knight must RULE. Isn't that the right way to think?

    So the RED means who did win, right? OMG, Sean Penn! K, it's all wrong wrong wrong! Ha ha...^_^

